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I am looking for a faculty position

I am looking for a faculty position on earth. It’s always right to fit the position with your skill sets. However, after sending a dozen of applications with tailored resume or research statements, I decide to leave my cover letter online with my desired research interests.

I am trained as an environmental analytical chemist from a state key laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Guibin Jiang in China. Then I worked with Prof. Janusz Pawliszyn in University of Waterloo, Canada for projects about in vivo SPME based metabolomics data analysis as a PostDoc. After two years’ training, I joined Institute for Exposomic Research at Mount Sinai for environmental exposure related bioinformatics studies and worked with Dr. Lauren Petrick. I have published 37 peer reviewed journal papers with 9 first author or co-first author papers. My publications have more than 800 citations and a h-index of 17. I have two papers selected as journal cover (AC and ES&T letter) and one paper selected as ES&T Letter 2018 best paper. I authored three R packages on CRAN and developed shiny applications for my research. More details can be found in my CV.

My research interests are the assessment of environmental exposures and impacts on humans through high resoltuion mass spectrometry based metabolomics analysis. I can apply in vivo SPME technique to capture real-time changes in living organisms. I proposed the concept of “reactomics” based on paired mass distances to retrieve the changes of general chemical relationship in the samples and developed related software and database. Besides, I proposed a concept called “gatekeeper” to explain the influence of multiple exposures or exposome on health outcomes at molecular levels by metabolomics or other omics data. Those techniques and models can be used to understand the health impact of general environmental exposures. I can be either an experimental or bioinformatic scientist. However, I will treat myself as a mass spectrometry guy to solve various environmental related scientific problem by both dry and wet lab skills.

I hope to continuously develop reactomics tools to investigate the influences of certain exposure and perform gatekeeper discovery for population-based exposure studies. I am planning to introduce machine learning into the biomarker reaction discovery based on reactomics and gatekeeper model for certain diseases. I am willing to collaborate with other researchers for multidisciplinary research projects.

Feel free to contact me if you need extra information. Thank you for your consideration.